Where you'll learn:
1) Pain science fundamentals - understanding a little bit about pain goes a long way when talking to your doctor.
2) being prepared for your appointment is a great strategy to mitigate pain and anxiety around upcoming appointments
3) The top 3 things we know from 12 years of research into the science of pain (as it relates to a visit to the doctors office.)
It is my hope that with this strategy that both you and your doctor will benefit from you doing a little bit of work upfront…especially if your appointment falls on a high pain day.
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As a caregiver you are one of the most important supports for a loved one living with chronic pain. Learn how to best support your loved one (and yourself) through the ebb and flow of chronic pain.
Break The Boom and Bust cycle of pain when trying to get things done and get back to doing the things you enjoy without the pain crash.
Your best first step on your path to improving life with chronic pain is through the transformative process of regulating your nervous system. Learn and do here!